Navigating the Castle

As you will learn from your companion in the tutorial, the best way to find out where you can go is to say...


The Look command is one of the most important commands in the game. You can use it at any time and as often as you like to learn important clues about your surroundings, including which way(s) you can go from any location.

"Look." / "Look around."


To move about in the castle say the word "Go" and the direction you want to travel. As simple as this sounds, it's easy to lose track and attempt something like: "Take the tunnel to the left," or "Go toward the dark corridor." These may sound like perfectly reasonable things to try, however saying anything other than "go" and a direction like "left, right, north, south, up or down" may have an undesired result.

"Go left." / "Go north." / "Go up." etc..

Command Interface

Adventure Castle tries to understand as many commands as possible, however very few modern voice applications can interpret complex language. You should try to keep your commands short, simple and direct.

For best results, form your commands into one of these structures:

{Action} [a/the/my] {item}.
"Look at the mat" / "Take the torch"

{Action} {relative} [a/the/my] {item}.
"Look under the mat"

{Action} [a/the/my] {item} {relative} {a/the/my} {another item}.
"Drop the torch over the ledge" / "Burn the mat with my torch"

Other Supported Commands

At any time you can say any of these commands.

  • Inventory / What am I carrying? (To check your inventory of items)
  • How am I? / How is my health? (To check your health)
  • Repeat (to repeat the last narration)
  • Restart (to restart the game from the beginning)
  • Wait (to give yourself more time to think of your next command)
  • Wait quietly / Hold still (Wait or hide while time passes in the game)
  • Help*

*Note, the help command will recommend you visit this website. This is the help guide and support for the game.

For best results...

As with any voice application, you should speak clearly and reduce background noise as much as possible. Adventure Castle might be fun with a group of friends, however you must be careful that only one player interacts at a time. If more than one person tries to speak, or people are talking in the background, the device is unlikely to understand your commands, properly.

For any command that ends with an error or any unexpected result, pay attention to the game's response. Try to detect a word thet may have been misinterpreted or recognized improperly. In this case, repeat your command more clearly. If that doesn't resolve your issue, try rephrasing your command, or try something else. Keep your commands relevant to objects and creatures mentioned in the game and, as mentioned before, keep your instructions short and to the point, in the grammar formats cited, above.

If you get stuck...

For help with specific puzzles you may want to try looking at the forums. If your question is not answered there, feel free to register and post one, yourself or contact us with your question, and we'll do our best to help.

If you're really stuck you can access the map and a walkthrough. Just be mindful of spoilers.